ARGUS: Remote diagnosis
ARGUS: Remote diagnosis

Remote diagnosis:
The monitoring of complex production facilities and test stands is cost- and time-intensive. Today´s systems require well-trained staff that must be available not only during normal working hours but also at night times and at the weekend.
Essentially modern than onsite (constant-) precence is rationalization with remote monitoring, remote diagnosis and teleservice. Today´s decentralized intelligent systems allow easy and cost-effective solutions via online-access, fax, voice mails, pager and e-mails.
For remote diagnosis a service engineer can log in on a MAX5dip or a MAX8dip device from any PC at every time via modem or ISDN. For that, the device must only be connected to the telephon net via modem or ISDN. The MAX5dip or MAX6dip devices monitors plant and process facilities absolute autarky and acquires the measurement data at the same time.
Information instead of data:
Because of restricted band width by using modem or ISDN connections, an intelligent pre-processing on the onsite device is necessary. For this case ARGUS can swap out many calculations to the onsite device, so only the results must be transfered.
ARGUS highlights:
- Data transmission directly by ARGUS
- Connection via ethernet, serial, PROFIBUS or CAN
- Simple configuration of decentralized subsystems
- Dial-in connection via modem, ISDN or internet
- Automatic transmission on trouble
- Transmission of calculated parameters
- Data analysis on any place
Event database:
A typical event is the limit value infringement of a signal. On this event an action list will be processed automatically. Each action list consists of single actions. Typical actions are: sending an e-Mail, setting an alarm output, fax or the output of a plain text.
Every event and every action will be recorded in a MS-Access based database with exact date and time. All database information can be read and shown at every time. Beyond that, the database can be send by e-Mail to a free configurable address.
Distributed plants
In distributed plants the monitoring is more simple and cost reducing when link up a network. There is a convenient access to the single stations over a central data server. In this case, e.g. modification on series test stands are possible from central location and via a remote connection.