BASiS-3, BASiS-4 and BASiS-6 are carrier systems for up to 3, 4 resp. 6 MAX mo-dules which can be integrated into the user's hardware. All the I/O signals of the inserted MAX modules are brought to plug-in connectors (type SUYIN 127150FA040) on the underside of the assembly. The system is powered by 3,3V or 5V DC, which has to be provided externally, and all internally required voltages are derived from this. A so called "central chip" (FPGA) generates the X-Bus clock for the modules and manages them.
An external power connector (St12) can be used to connect the 3,3V or 5V supply voltage for the carrier system. It can also be used to supply the +/-12V if the internal +/-12V DC/DC-converter is not used.
To access the carrier system, a D-SUB-9 connector (St11) can be used. It provides the signals for the serial connection and for an Ethernet connection if this is suppor-ted by the CPU-module used.
Eleven FPGA pins, known as user signals, are brought to connector St8. These si-gnals (FPGA01...FPGA11) may be set and read by the user; FPGA01 can only be used as an input. A module device driver is available for easy access to these pins. These inputs and outputs are tolerant to 5 V.